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 Half saiyan/Human Info.

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Number of posts : 39
Age : 31
Pl : 16000
Hp : 3100
Str : 3450
Ki : 3775
Special Moves : Final Explosion,fine spirit cannon, full power enrgy wave
Transformations : Oozaro,false super saiyan,super saiyan,Super Saiyan Majin
Zeni : 39400
Allegiance :
Half saiyan/Human Info. Left_bar_bleue62 / 10062 / 100Half saiyan/Human Info. Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-10-20

Half saiyan/Human Info. Empty
PostSubject: Half saiyan/Human Info.   Half saiyan/Human Info. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2008 5:03 pm

These are the peoples like Gohan, Goten. They Are also strong as the saiyan race.

Pl: 5500
hp: 150
Ki: 300
Str: 150

Starting Planet:Earth or Vegeta


Pl needed: 0
Recuirments: needed full moon or the moon technique, need tail.

Hp increase: 50
Ki increase: 100
Strenght increase: 50

-Fake super saiyan:
Pl needed: 6000

Requirments: Must do an word rp about reaching it.

hp increase: 125
Ki increase: 250
Str increase: 125

-Super Saiyan:
Pl needed: 7500

Requirments: Must do an word rp about reaching it.

hp increase: 150
Ki increase: 300
Str increase: 150

-Mastered super saiyan: (Permanent)
Pl needed: 9500

Requirments: Must do an word rp about reaching it.

hp increase: 300
Ki increase: 600
Str increase: 300

-Super saiyan 2
Pl needed: 15,000
Recuirments: Must do an word rp about reaching it.

Hp increase: 600
Ki increase: 1200
Str increase: 600

-Super saiyan 3
Pl needed: 20,000
Recuirments: Must do an word rp about reaching it.

Hp increase: 1,000
Ki increase: 2,200
Str increase: 1,100
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Half saiyan/Human Info.
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